
Category: Uncategorized

Modern Cloud

Improve the user experience, enhance data security, simplify management, and reduce overhead costs with #Microsoft Windows Virtual Desktop. Get started with a complete, intelligent solution that enhances creativity and collaboration for everyone. Get the latest updates and learn more about Windows Virtual Desktop by subscribing now.

Digital selling insights

Develop an action plan and adjust strategies for your team by compiling an accurate “big picture.” Discover five important keys to provide insights and recommendations to your team with this infographic from @Microsoft:

Sell smarter with Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Office 365

Transform your organization with #Microsoft #Dynamics365 and #Office365 to go from data to insights to action. Drive smarter selling, optimize engagement, and win more deals. Learn how with this video:

Fortify your data against threats

Data. Volumes of data inform #Microsoft security solutions every month. For example, over 18 billion Bing webpage scans are performed monthly—all to protect organizations and their people and data. Access this infographic to learn what other precautions Microsoft takes, and contact Amyra Technology Services for more information.

Cybersecurity: A Small Business Guide

We know you want to protect your customers’ data, but how much do you know about the most common types of cyberattacks and how to combat them?

Check out this article to see what #security solutions can do for your customers and contact our team at Amyra Technology Services to help you get started.

The power of relationship selling

Many businesses are getting ahead by combining technology solutions with personalized customer relationships for successful relationship selling. Learn how you can do the same with this eBook from #Microsoft and #HeinzMarketing:

Understanding the virtual environment 

How have organizations adapted to the changing complexities of the workplace? Learn how your staff can maximize productivity in the virtual environment with #WindowsVirtualDesktop.

Modernize digital processes to improve profitability and ensure data security​

When you modernize your digital processes with @Microsoft, you can improve your company’s profitability and ensure data security. Subscribe now to learn how to maximize the value of SQL on #Azure.

Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer’: CRM Lead Management

Gartner’s “Voice of the Customer” offers insights to vendors’ customer relationships through statistical data. Learn how #GartnerInc’s study in CRM lead management can inform the success of your own company when managing leads.

Avoid security breaches: How to protect your data

Updating your security measures can be tricky, especially if you don’t know where to start. Luckily, with security solutions from Microsoft, safeguarding your customers’ data is easier than you think.

Curious about how you can take your clients’ security measures to the next level? We’re happy to help. Check out this article and contact our team to learn more.